We’re excited to announce that Seligman Insurance is now a part of the Bridgewell Financial team. Read our latest post for the full details.

Group Benefits

Executive Planning
and Group Benefits

Effective executive planning and group benefits programs are an important tool to attract and retain top managerial talent—while also helping to mitigate operational risk.

Our executive benefits solutions are designed to deliver stability and financial wellness to your organization. They help ensure that your leadership team is engaged, focused on driving shareholder value and committed to your long-term success. Explore our executive benefits offerings from executive healthcare and insurance to financial wellness assessments.

Executive Healthcare

Comprehensive executive planning strategies are typically anchored by a package of relevant leader-focused group benefits, including executive healthcare. Whether ensuring your leadership team has access to timely global coverage or concierge services to help them navigate diagnostic and preventative healthcare options, these solutions are recognized as effective risk-management strategies—ensuring your key people stay healthy and productive.
Our Executive Healthcare packages are flexible and fully customizable. The goal is to deliver peace of mind to your management team, meeting their group benefits expectations and aligning with your organizational needs. It’s the assurance that comes with knowing they’ll have access to world-class medical care, along with concierge support systems, including annual medical assessments through top providers such as Medcan, Telus Clinics and Cleveland Clinic.

Executive Benefits

Attracting and retaining executives means developing a total compensation strategy that aligns with industry benchmarks and helps your organization recruit top talent. We work with corporate decision-makers to develop benefit packages and retirement plans that are highly competitive in the marketplace. Our group benefits solutions help organizations and leaders manage tax-planning considerations related to compensation tools such as stock options and executive bonuses. The goal: maximizing executives’ net after-tax income.

Enhanced Income Protection

Risk mitigation and financial security are elements of executive planning and group benefits programs that are vitally important to business leaders when negotiating total compensation agreements. Enhanced income protection solutions such as wage-loss replacements and non-medical program enhancements can be cost-effective, long-term tools to help enhance executive retention and reinforce financial wellness and security across your executive team.

Build your executive benefit plan now

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